About Us

We work with partners around the world to advance reproductive justice by expanding access to abortion and contraception.

Ipas Sustainable Abortion Care

Our Work

The global movement for legal, accessible abortion is growing. Our staff and partners in countries as diverse as Bolivia, Malawi and India are working to ensure all people can access high-quality abortion care.

Where We Work

The global movement for legal, accessible abortion is growing. Our staff and partners in countries as diverse as Bolivia, Malawi and India are working to ensure all people can access high-quality abortion care.


Our materials are designed to help reproductive health advocates and professionals expand access to high-quality abortion care.

For health professionals

For advocates and decisionmakers


For humanitarian settings

Abortion VCAT resources

For researchers and program implementors


Embarazo impuesto por violación: ‘Yo no quiero a ese hombre, yo no quiero tener un niño’

Esta publicación es, en primer lugar, un homenaje a 15 niñas nicaragüenses, víctimas  de violación, que tuvieron el coraje de compartir los terribles eventos asociados a la violencia que experimentaron. Estos testimonios incluyen las voces de algunos familiares que las acompañaron y oficiales públicos que las atendieron. A través de los capítulos, tratamos de describir el viaje doloroso que las víctimas recorrieron a través de las instituciones gubernamentales para obtener la asistencia necesaria para hacer frente a las consecuencias de la violación y demandar justicia.   ——————– English:   Forced pregnancy after rape: “I don’t want that man, I don’t want to have a child” [Spanish only] This publication is, in the first place, a tribute to the 15 girls from Nicaragua, rape survivors, who had the courage to share the terrible events associated with the violence they experienced. These testimonies include voices from family members and public officers who assisted these girls. Through the chapters, we attempted to describe the sad journey the victims walked through the government institutions to get the assistance needed to deal with the consequences of rape and their demand for justice.

Authors: María López Vigil, Marta María Blandón
Year: 2016