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We work with partners around the world to advance reproductive justice by expanding access to abortion and contraception.

Ipas Sustainable Abortion Care

Our Work

The global movement for legal, accessible abortion is growing. Our staff and partners in countries as diverse as Bolivia, Malawi and India are working to ensure all people can access high-quality abortion care.

Where We Work

The global movement for legal, accessible abortion is growing. Our staff and partners in countries as diverse as Bolivia, Malawi and India are working to ensure all people can access high-quality abortion care.


Our materials are designed to help reproductive health advocates and professionals expand access to high-quality abortion care.

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This research snapshot summarizes methods, key findings, and implications of the Abortion-related Morbidity and Mortality in Conflict-affected and Fragile Settings study conducted in Jahun, Nigeria and Bangui, Central African Republic.

Malgré l’impact positif avéré de l’éducation sexuelle complète sur la santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs (SDSR) des adolescents, il existe un mouvement croissant d’opposition aux programmes scolaires fondés sur des motifs moraux ou religieux. Au cours de la dernière décennie, avec l’intégration croissante de l’éducation sexuelle complète (ECS), les principaux acteurs internationaux anti-droits basés principalement aux États-Unis ont mobilisé des activistes des pays du Sud, en particulier d’Afrique et d’Amérique latine, pour plaider dans les espaces des Nations Unies (ONU) contre les droits des femmes et des jeunes à l’information et aux services de SDSR.

A pesar del impacto positivo comprobado de la educación sexual integral en la salud y los derechos sexuales y reproductivos (SDSR) de los adolescentes, existe un movimiento creciente que se opone a los planes de estudio basados en motivos morales o religiosos. Durante la última década, con un aumento en la incorporación de la educación sexual integral (CSE), las principales partes interesadas internacionales contra los derechos con sede principalmente en los Estados Unidos han estado movilizando a activistas del Sur Global, particularmente de África y América Latina, para abogar en los espacios de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) contra los derechos de las mujeres y los jóvenes a la información y los servicios de SDSR.

Pesquisas e evidências mostram que as mulheres podem se auto-administrar, com segurança e eficácia, o aborto medicamentoso, também chamado de aborto com pílulas, quando têm informações precisas. O autocuidado de aborto (ASC) é o aborto com pílulas sem a necessidade de uma receita médica. Com ASC, a mulher administra sozinha o máximo possível do processo como bem quiser, com ou sem o envolvimento de um profissional de saúde.

Les recherches et les données montrent qu’il est possible de gérer un avortement médicamenteux, également appelé avortement par comprimés, en autonomie de manière sûre et efficace lorsque des informations précises sont à disposition. L’autogestion de l’avortement (AGA) consiste à avorter avec des comprimés sans ordonnance. Avec l’AGA, la personne enceinte gère elle-même une grande partie du processus, avec ou sans l’intervention d’un prestataire de santé.

In 2021, the “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill” was introduced in the Ghanaian Parliament. The bill, if passed, would criminalize LGBTI people and behavior, as well as those who support their rights, and even those who report on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) issues. While there has been significant national and international media coverage of the bill, what is less understood is who is driving promotion of the bill, and the accompanying harmful public debate. This report seeks to fill that knowledge gap, identifying who is behind the external anti-LGBTI influence, detailing connections between Ghanaian leaders and conservative foreign groups, and showing how anti-LGBTI rhetoric, and social and other media traffic, are being shaped and driven by these interests. As of March 2023, the anti-LGBTI bill is still pending in Ghanaian parliament. With this report, we provide recommendations to continue exposing the origins of anti-LGBTI hatred in Ghana and guidance on supporting LGBTI rights and reclaiming the narrative from homophobic politicians and other personalities to demonstrate that reactionary narratives against LGBTI rights are not universal in Ghana.

Las investigaciones y evidencias muestran que las mujeres pueden autogestionar el aborto con medicamentos, también llamado aborto con pastillas, de manera segura y eficaz cuando tienen información veraz. Autogestión del aborto es aborto con pastillas sin la necesidad de una receta médica. La persona embarazada maneja el proceso por sí misma en la medida que desee, con o sin la asistencia de un/a prestador/a de servicios de salud.

Despite comprehensive sexuality education’s proven positive impact on the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of adolescents, there is a growing movement opposed to the curricula based on moral or religious grounds.

This study describes the magnitude and severity of abortion-related complications in two referral hospitals located in two different types of fragile and conflict-affected settings and supported by Médecins Sans Frontières.

Uma orientação e recurso para formadores de aborto e profissionais de saúde da linha da frente.

Conseils et ressources pour les formateurs et les agents de santé en première ligne sur les services d’avortement

Orientación y recursos para capacitadores y trabajadores de salud de primera línea en servicios de aborto.

This evidence brief summarizes key findings from the qualitative component of the AMoCo study, which aims to describe the access to care and treatment of women and girls hospitalized in Castors Maternity Hospital in Bangui for potentially life-threatening and near-miss abortion complications such as severe haemorrhage, severe sepsis, and uterine and intra-abdominal perforation.

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Research and evidence show that people can safely and effectively self-manage medical abortion, also called abortion with pills, when they have accurate information. Abortion self-care (ASC) is abortion with pills without the necessity of a prescription. With ASC, a pregnant person manages as much of the process as they want on their own, with or without the involvement of a health-care provider.

Download File en français en español in english Post-abortion care needs in fragile or conflict-affected settings This resource is intended to support advocates who are working to achieve universal access to comprehensive, person-centered abortion care …

La Conferencia de Acción Política Conservadora (CPAC), con sede en Estados Unidos, un evento conocido como nexo para el activismo de derecha, realizará su primer foro en México.

The U.S.-based Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), an event well known as a nexus for right-wing activism, is holding its first forum in Mexico. This brief—written for both opposition researchers and anyone interested in the global anti-rights movement—provides an overview of CPAC’s background and international expansion, with a focus on how CPAC is collaborating with far-right actors in Mexico to advance its Christian nationalist agenda.

We need more Americans to speak up about abortion—and to support the advocates, organizations, and decisionmakers working to protect and expand abortion access. That’s why Ipas worked with Eden Stanley, an audience-centered firm, to conduct broad public opinion research. Our findings reveal three priority demographic groups most likely to support organizations and political candidates championing abortion rights. Based on the values and beliefs of these groups, we’ve identified key messaging takeaways. In this brief, we share data and takeaways most relevant for U.S. advocates.

Anti-rights groups and movements are expanding their work into new and seemingly unlikely spaces to impose regressive, fundamentalist Christian views on human rights, family, gender, and sexuality. This briefing paper outlines the activities of three anti-rights groups based in the Global North leading a transnational attack on an economic agreement between the European Union (EU) and its country partners in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) – known as the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement (the Agreement). Christian Council International, Family Watch International, and the Political Network for Values are taking issue with EU efforts to include protective language on human rights, and specifically sexual and reproductive health and rights within the Agreement. While it is unlikely that they will succeed in altogether derailing the Agreement renewal process, the investment of attention, time, and money warrants closer inspection by human rights activists and the media, as well as EU and ACP negotiators, parliamentarians, and other stakeholders.