Abortion Care Videos
For decades, Ipas has trained doctors, midwives and nurses to safely and respectfully perform abortions and provide counseling on contraceptive options to ensure high-quality abortion care and continues to produce training materials and clinical guidance to support those efforts. As abortion self-care rises globally, so too does our investment in materials and resources developed for women to use to safely and successfully manage their abortion with pills.
As the World Health Organization (WHO) strongly reaffirmed in the new Abortion Care Guideline, abortion using medication or vacuum aspiration is a common, safe, and simple health-care intervention when carried out “…in the case of a facility-based procedure – by a person with the necessary skills” and for self-managed abortion, “…individuals with a source of accurate information” (WHO, 2022).
To that end, we are pleased to introduce a set of abortion care videos designed to better train health care providers to improve their abortion care and help women safely self-manage their abortion using pills. There are 11 videos for health workers and 3 videos for women. These videos were filmed in facilities in Africa and Asia and are consistent with the latest WHO and Ipas clinical guidance.
Ipas is committed to being a trusted resource on abortion and to ethical storytelling and image use in the work that we do. Women and partners in this collection of videos have consented to appearing in the films on the condition they are used to train health workers or educate other women and partners and any use or showing of the videos must be for such purposes.
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Abortion Care Videos for Health Workers
General Abortion Care
Videos are available for download through Vimeo. Navigate to Vimeo by clicking the video title at top left or the vimeo logo at bottom right.
Abortion Counseling
A 9 minute and 53 second narrated video that demonstrates what should be covered in a counseling visit for a woman seeking an abortion.
Dating a Pregnancy
A 5 minute and 53 second narrated video showing how to determine the duration of a pregnancy for a woman seeking an abortion.
Caring for a Woman with a Miscarriage
A 9 minute and 9 second narrated video covering evaluation and care of women with miscarriage.
Post Abortion Infection
A 4 minute and 44 second narrated video showing how to evaluate and treat a woman with a uterine infection after an abortion.
Medical Abortion
Videos are available for download through Vimeo. Navigate to Vimeo by clicking the video title at top left or the vimeo logo at bottom right.
Medical Abortion in Early Pregnancy
A 9-minute narrated video that covers how to help a woman use abortion pills to end an unintended pregnancy, whether you are seeing the woman in a clinic or guiding her remotely.
Manual Vacuum Aspiration
Videos are available for download through Vimeo. Navigate to Vimeo by clicking the video title at top left or the vimeo logo at bottom right.
Setting Up for an MVA Procedure
A 3-minute narrated video showing one way to set up for an MVA procedure to improve organization and to help your workflow.
The MVA Use and Troubleshooting
An 8 minute and 41 second narrated video showing how the MVA syringe works, how to test the vacuum and how to solve problems that might occur when you are doing the MVA procedure.
Performing a Manual Vacuum Aspiration
A 12 minute and 57 second narrated video showing how to perform an MVA procedure.
MVA Instrument Reprocessing
A 10 minute and 12 second narrated video showing the key steps of cleaning and reprocessing Ipas MVA instruments.
How to do a Paracervical Block
A 2 minute and 15 second subtitled short video reviewing the key steps in performing a paracervical block.
How to do a Manual Vacuum Aspiration
A 3 minute and 55 second subtitled short video reviewing the key steps in performing a manual vacuum aspiration.
Abortion Care Videos for Women
Videos are available for download through Vimeo. Navigate to Vimeo by clicking the video title at top left or the vimeo logo at bottom right.
How to Have an Abortion with Pills
A 9 minute and 43 second narrated video for women. This video will help you find out if you can use abortion pills to end your pregnancy, how to use the pills, and how to know if they worked. The video covers abortion with pills with either mifepristone and misoprostol used together, or misoprostol used alone.
How to Have an Abortion with Pills using Mifepristone and Misoprostol
A 5 minute and 19 second subtitled short video for women reviewing the key things you need to know to have an abortion with pills using mifepristone and misoprostol.
How to Have an Abortion with Pills using Misoprostol Only
A 4 minute and 58 second subtitled short video for women reviewing the key things you need to know to have an abortion with pills using misoprostol only.