Kristin – this is option 1 – it looks like it is an updated version of the same timeline module I had in here before.


Ipas is founded

Ipas is founded in Chapel Hill, NC, USA in 1973 to complete development of the MVA (manual vacuum aspirator), a life-saving device for abortion care still used in U.S. clinics and low-resource settings around the world. TEST LINK

Distribution of the MVA begins

Distribution of the MVA begins, along with support for the opening of freestanding abortion clinics in countries around the world.


Training health care workers

Training health care workers in abortion care begins in 1982 with demonstration projects in Latin American and African countries. Ipas continues to provide clinical trainings for thousands of health care workers each year.

Country offices

Country offices with locally led and staffed teams are established around the world. Today we have teams working in nearly 30 countries in Africa, Asian and the Americas.

Research, policy and advocacy work

Research, policy and advocacy work is increasingly stepped up to tackle legal, cultural and other barriers to access to abortion. Ipas has worked with partners and other advocates over the years to win progressive abortion law change Mexico City, Kenya, the Democratic Republic and many more countries.

Abortion with pills

Recognizing the revolutionary power of abortion with pills, Ipas integrates medical abortion into all aspects of programming. Community-level work on issues such as abortion stigma and gender-based violence also is stepped up.

Abortion as a human rights issue

Emphasis on abortion as a human rights issue becomes an important and continuing focus for Ipas. This has led to groundbreaking work such as involvement in the “Green Wave” movement which is liberalizing abortion laws in Argentina, Mexico and other parts of Latin America.

Abortion care in crisis settings

Ipas trainings and support for abortion care in crisis settings disrupts the idea that abortion care is “too complicated” for provision in humanitarian settings. Our efforts in the sprawling Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh are emblematic of this work.

Reproductive justice

As the global movement for abortion rights and access evolves, so does Ipas. Using the inclusive, human rights-based framework of reproductive justice, Ipas remains singularly focused on abortion, using a comprehensive approach that works across institutions and communities to build sustainable ecosystems for abortion and contraception to ensure everyone has access.


Fall of Roe v. Wade

With the fall of Roe v. Wade in 2022, Ipas expands work with United States partners to connect them with our network of global abortion rights experts and to raise public awareness on vital issues such as self-managed abortion with pills, a safe and effective option to increase access.


50th Anniversary

After 50 years, Ipas is transforming from a “hub and spoke” organization with power centered in the United States to become a global network with authority, power and leadership dispersed and shared across the network—still laser-focused on abortion and continuing to evolve, learn, adapt and evaluate our progress to best achieve our mission.

Abortion affects every body.

For 50 years, Ipas has supported communities around the world to ensure access to abortion and contraception for all. You can help us protect every body’s right to reproductive freedom.

Abortion affects every body.

For 50 years, Ipas has supported communities around the world to ensure access to abortion and contraception for all. You can help us protect every body’s right to reproductive freedom.

Abortion affects every body.

For 50 years, Ipas has supported communities around the world to ensure access to abortion and contraception for all. You can help us protect every body’s right to reproductive freedom.

Abortion affects every body.

For 50 years, Ipas has supported communities around the world to ensure access to abortion and contraception for all. You can help us protect every body’s right to reproductive freedom.

Abortion affects every body.

For 50 years, Ipas has supported communities around the world to ensure access to abortion and contraception for all. You can help us protect every body’s right to reproductive freedom.

Abortion affects every body.

For 50 years, Ipas has supported communities around the world to ensure access to abortion and contraception for all. You can help us protect every body’s right to reproductive freedom.

Abortion affects every body.

For 50 years, Ipas has supported communities around the world to ensure access to abortion and contraception for all. You can help us protect every body’s right to reproductive freedom.